🤗 Today is about kindness 🤗
Be kind to each other. Be kind to the animals. Be kind to the earth. Be kind to others. Be kind to yourself. Be kind today to everything and everyone who is around you, visible and invisible. Especially in these times. A time when many of us feel locked up. A time when freedom does not come from outside. A time when we may be forced to find freedom within ourselves. A time when we are confronted with each other, but certainly also with ourselves.
🤨 More duality and clicklines? 🤨
A time in which duality is even more present than it already was. And now that I type this, I wonder if that duality has not always been so present? Maybe it is now suddenly visible and it is on the surface. On the surface because it may become visible, so that we as humanity can and certainly may do something about it. As I see it, it is a wonderful time to be alive. Challenging for sure, but oh so educational and necessary. When I look at the world now, I also experience the growing duality. Just look at the whole Covid story. Yesterday I saw another message with the title "It is okay to report Covid rule violators via a hotline."
🙁 What are we doing? 🙁
Yes.. What are we seriously doing? Why do we betray each other and create more separation? Why are we constantly arguing with each other about what is good and what is not, arguing about what is true and what is not true? Whether covid is real or not. Whether there are dark parties and beings at work or not. Does it really matter? The answer does not lie with an external factor. The answer lies with ourselves. Only we can lead the world to connection, love and harmony. As I see it, that starts with respecting each other. Everyone has their own reality, their own reality. Respect that regardless of what you feel. Talk to each other, discuss with each other, but respect each other and do not attack each other. Compassion is the answer.
💚 Step out of the struggle and step out of the fear💚
A continuous fight only creates more fight. I want to ask you to choose for yourself and step out of that fight. It is not your fight. Let the people who want to fight this fight and want separation fight it out with each other. If they want to do that, that is okay. You do not have to be a part of it. Respect each other and be kind to each other. Step out and choose for yourself. Focus on what is important to you. Follow your most beautiful passions. Follow your heart. The world is only locked up if you choose to believe that. Freedom is within you. When you start to believe that, you will see freedom around you. As within, so without! So let today be the day that you start living a life of inner freedom. Let today be the day that you step out of the fight.
🌎 Step into the new world 🌎
I want to ask you to step out of fear and enter the field of love. From 3D to 5D! And don't be afraid if you first experience more resistance and chaos. Those are the opposites of growth. Through that resistance and chaos lies freedom. That's where love lies. That's where the new world lies. A world in love, harmony and connection. A world where work is still being done. Only now we work for each other, for a more beautiful world, for connection, harmony and love, for a world in which we are connected to each other and nature again.
And as with every message, I often have no idea where it is going. I write and let what may be shared with the world come through me. And apparently this is now what may be sent into the world. In the run-up to December 21, the day on which so much light comes to earth, transformation is at the top of the list. We cannot avoid it. Move with it. Move with it in love.
I love you guys and I mean it. Aho 💚🤗