The twelve spiritual laws of the universe are as real as gravity. They have always been there and they will always be there. Neither you nor I are going to change that. These laws consist of vibrations, just as everything in life consists of vibrations. Everything moves, nothing stands still. It is about sending and receiving. Take the following example: you turn on the radio and you have decided to listen to radio 538. What do you hear next? Exactly. Radio 538! You have tuned the radio to the signal and frequency of radio 538. That is how it works with everything in the world. That is how it works with your thoughts and that is how it works with your feelings. That is how it works with focus. I also have a nice example of this. You have probably had something in your life that you wanted or you have something that is important in your life at that moment. Suddenly you see it coming back everywhere. That is because you focus on that thing and therefore you attract it. The law of attraction has started working here.
The law of attraction is also the most powerful law in the universe. You may have heard of it. If not, you will come across it later in this article. But there are more laws and you can use all of these laws to create the life you really want.
1.The law of unity
You, me, your uncle and aunt, your girlfriend, your parents, we are all one! Quantum physics can now also prove with experiments that there is a kind of connection between us all. This is also called the matrix. You may have experienced this yourself. You think of a person you haven't spoken to for a while and not much later you receive a WhatsApp message from that person.
The law of unity helps us to see that we are all one and that everything we think, say and do can have an impact on the entire human consciousness. In itself also logical if you know that we all came into existence through the big bang.
2. The law of vibrations
The law of vibration tells us that every particle of matter vibrates at a certain frequency. It doesn’t matter if it’s stone, metal, water, wood, plastic, a human being or dirt from another planet. All matter vibrates. Even though it doesn’t seem that way to the human eye, even our thoughts emit certain vibrations.
3. The law of correspondence
The law of correspondence is that the same patterns exist everywhere in our universe. From micro to macro level. But it can also be applied to us, in the sense that our outer world represents what is happening in our inner world. In other words. If you are happy, you will see all kinds of happy things in the outside world. On the other hand, if you are sad and depressed, the world will look the same.
This is a very good one. This means that you can change your own world with your own thoughts and feelings. Start doing something that makes you feel good and you will automatically attract more positive events. You therefore definitely have the control and the power over your own life.
4. The Law of Attraction
The law of attraction is the most powerful law in the universe. It basically states that things that are similar are attracted to each other. Like attracts like. So why do some relationships consist of polar opposites? The person you are in a relationship with probably has qualities or characteristics that you would like to have. But it goes even deeper than you might think. The law of attraction teaches us that our thoughts are also attractive. Our thoughts can attract people, circumstances, events, money and things into our lives. This happens based on how we think and feel, but also if we really believe it.
But the law of attraction is not only the most powerful law in the universe. It is also a set of teachings that helps us understand who we are, why we are here, and even our own immortality.
The law of attraction is worth a whole blog post on its own, so I'm going to write another article about it so you can make the law of attraction work for you too.
5. The Law of Inspired Action
The law of inspired action states that you can create your own reality if you follow the advice of your inner beings. We humans call this our instinct, our intuition. Motivated action is not good enough here, because that is action that is taken from the “have to” or “I don’t really want to, but I can muster the willpower to do it”. Having to and not really wanting to are accompanied by negative emotions and that is not inspiration.
6. The Law of Eternal Transmutation of Energy
The law of eternal transmutation of energy is about how energy is never static. Energy is dynamic in the sense that it is constantly changing. It never stands still. It either grows or it dies. The same thing happens with our own energy. We can choose thoughts that make us feel better or worse.
By consciously choosing better feeling thoughts we take control of the transmutation of energy.
7. The law of cause and effect
I think most of us know this law. It is a law that we were taught in school, but it has a deeper meaning. It has a deeper meaning when applied to the law of attraction.
Traditionally, this means that everything we do has a consequence. For example, we are taught that we get good grades if we study hard. I myself am more of a believer that the effort of studying hard should be rewarded rather than getting good grades, because that stimulates self-development. Rewarding good grades can create performance pressure and falls under a static mindset, but that is besides the point.
If we relate the law of cause and effect to the law of attraction, it is all about how we feel. Not only will we perform better and be happier, but the entire universe will do better, because we are all one. It affects the collective consciousness of mankind.
8. The Law of Compensation
What you sow you reap. That is what the law of compensation tells you. If you think mainly negative thoughts then you will mainly attract negative events and have a negative life. If you treat others badly then you will be treated badly yourself. So you see that positivity is super important. Not only for you, but also for the people around you.
9. The law of relativity
The law of relativity states that everything we see as good or bad, high or low, hot or cold, is based on something we can compare it to. In other words, there must be something we are comparing to what we are analyzing.
For example, you can feel poor because you have very rich friends who earn more money than you, while you yourself also earn a lot of money. Above average, so to speak. This makes it relative. Chances are that you are already in the top 1% of the richest people in the world if you include all third world countries.
But who cares? The better you can feel about yourself the better you will be and do. So don't compare yourself to others and focus on yourself.
10. The Law of Polarity
The law of polarity tells us that when you know what you don't want, you know what you do want. When you experience the contrast that you don't want in your life, you shoot powerful desires for the things you do want in life. It can be that simple sometimes. You need contrast in life to know what you really want.
11. The law of rhythm
Everything comes in cycles. That is what the law of rhythm tells us. We come into being and we die. So it is with the good times and the bad times in life. If you find yourself at a low point, you can be sure that it is temporary, especially if you believe that it is temporary. Everything in life revolves, like a song begins and ends and another song comes on.
12. The Law of Gender
The law of gender is not about things being male and female. It is about how everything is both male and female. If we relate this law to the law of attraction then it means that everything is either giving or receiving. The Yin and Yang!
Even within ourselves we have male and female energy. To live a harmonious life it is best that both parties are in balance.
(This article is not my own research. This article is a summary of several articles on the twelve spiritual laws that I have researched on the internet.)