There goes another one… and not just any one. Shadine van Dijck-Alebregtse has completed the Mystery School Intensive Program for the past three months.
What a special journey this has been. Shadine has traveled to unknown depths in her inner world.
For me as a Mystery School counselor it is always an honor to be able to guide such beautiful people and Souls.
I see all the students of their own Mystery School making such big leaps, again and again. In which I also notice that not everyone can handle it yet, because it goes so deep energetically. You really have to be ready for your life to be turned upside down and inside out, so that something new can arise.
It is necessary to encounter the old with all its confrontations, to look at it, to live through it and to let it go. There is no detour. It is going through it. That can be quite intense. I know that better than anyone.
But when you do this with yourself and go through it, wow… that's when the magic happens. That's when the new me happens.
Then pain becomes a gift that you can grow through. Then transformation takes you to new levels in life. Then you will experience the magic of life by standing in the middle of it.
And with Shadine I feel so much pride and joy. With (almost) a session every week for the past three months she has made giant leaps in consciousness.
She is now going to take the step to put into practice everything she has learned and acquired over the past few years.
She is in her power. She can do this. She is ready!
Now my task is done and I let Shadine sink further into the gentle hands of Consciousness.
In January I will have room again for an intensive 3-month program and for a long-term 10-month program.
And from the beginning of April I still have room to train one person.
Curious? You can always chat with me or with one of the Mystery School participants who have already completed the course/training.
This is the safe and warm bed you set up. I wish you a wonderful adventure
Together we create heaven on earth,