An Ancestral Journey of Healing

A new location with an in-depth program on Saturday September 30, 2023

After the success of the two-day workshop, Esther and Brian will once again take you on an ancestral journey. The entire day will be dedicated to healing the connection between you and your ancestor. What our ancestors experienced during their lives has a direct effect on the life we live. It is passed on from generation to generation. The beautiful qualities, but "unfortunately" also the less beautiful qualities. And then we are mainly talking about the things that are "not talked about".

These unfinished matters go straight to the offspring, until it is lived through. Living through specific events in the life of the ancestor has a positive effect on your own life, but also on that of the ancestor. That is why it is so incredibly valuable to restore and heal ancestral relationships.

Groepssessie voorouderlijk werk - heel de verbinding met een voorouder

Working with the ancestors

This day we will work with you and a specific ancestor. We would like to ask you to bring a deceased ancestor with you that you will “work” with this day. A father, a mother, a grandfather, a grandmother or maybe even a great-grandfather or great-grandmother. If you have chosen an ancestor, then you bring five questions that you would like to know about this ancestor. For example:

– Would you mind telling me why the relationship between you and my mother was never good?

– Would you mind telling me why you died so suddenly?

– Would you like to tell me why you chose to become demented?

– Would you mind telling me what happened in World War II that wasn't talked about?

– Would you mind telling me why you have always been so closed towards me?


By means of various exercises and methods in combination with the information obtained above, we will open, set in motion and heal the connection with the ancestor in question.

How are we going to work with the ancestors?

– We start with an opening meditation and together we open the ancestral field. 

– Space is made to share about the ancestor you brought with you.

– Group protocols to heal the energy between you and the ancestor. This is also called a transformation protocol with spoken intention.

– A profound shamanic journey with quantum jumping in which we connect with the ancestor and embark on a healing adventure together.

– A regression exercise in which we step into the energy of the ancestor and enter into conversation with the ancestor by asking questions.

– A breathing session in which you and the ancestor will breathe freely.

voorouderlijk werk workshop op hodenpijl

Preparatory work

– A week before the workshop we would like to ask you to carry something of this ancestor with you until the day of the workshop itself. This can be a photo, a necklace, but it can also be his/her name on a beautifully made piece of paper.


The above ensures that you set the energetic field between you and the ancestor in motion in advance.

– One week in advance you will receive an activation that you can listen to at home to open the field with the ancestor(s).

Where & When

Location: De Linde Center in Bilthoven

Date: September 30, 2023

Time: 10:00 – 17:00

Start: 09:45

Price: 177,-

Lunch: Light lunch included.