Last night I had a nightmare, well actually ten different nightmares. Nightmares that normally scare you to death. Ghosts that chase you, monsters that want to grab you, murderers and possessed people. About once a month a dream like that passes by. They want to get me, take over my system. At least that's how it feels. I always manage to escape by waking up. Sometimes I end up in, I call it an in-between dimension. I know I'm awake, but I can't move yet. It's dark everywhere and there are eyes looking at me from all sides. This used to be quite frightening. I really had to fight myself awake then.
Until yesterday…
I know these dreams are an invitation from the subconscious to stand in my own power and light. But try doing that when you are asleep…
Yesterday things changed. I woke up after the first nightmare and I immediately thought: I can make contact with them in my dream. Not run away, but go to them. Look them in the eye, and turn on my light.
And it surprised me that this actually worked. In my dream I woke up, another nightmare with spirits that wanted to possess me. In my dream I suddenly realized: oh yes, turn on the light, stand strong and embrace the love. I turned around, I walked to the creatures and they disappeared like clouds in front of the sun.
I woke up… And fell asleep again…
The next dream. A dark man with brown eyes tried to enter my consciousness and I tried to escape. Suddenly I thought to turn around and confront. I walked to him, I looked him full in the eyes. I showed that I was no longer afraid. He disappeared.
I woke up… And fell asleep again…
The next dream. I am surrounded by a dark energy. It is wrapped around my physical body. I realize: turn on the light and I felt an explosion of power. Whereupon I begin to speak a transformation protocol (spoken intention). The energy dissolves.
I woke up… And fell asleep again…
The next dream. I already realize: okay, here we go again. Especially now that I see a crocodile in the water lurking for Milo who jumps into the water like a happy puppy. The crocodile goes to Milo and grabs him. I immediately jump into the water and go to the crocodile. Milo gets loose. And the crocodile tries to attack me. I start to turn on my light and make deep eye contact with the crocodile. He calms down. He is suddenly tamed. And then to think that I always dream about crocodiles that I swim among. They don't do anything, but I always swam away as quickly as possible. Afraid that they would catch me.
And so it went on for a few more dreams. I enjoyed the game. Of consciously acting in my subconscious. It felt like a victory. It felt powerful. It felt like: I don't have to be afraid anymore. I am light, love and powerful. Also in the subconscious. I can and may Trust. I can handle anything.
Everything flows and flows. Everything is open.