Coming Home in Unity Weekend Retreat in the Ardennes
Thursday evening January 18th to Sunday evening January 21st (There is room for 8 participants)
This Homecoming in Unity Weekend retreat is aimed at creating unity in your energetic system. We are going to heal the male and female in us and then bring them together into unity. How are we going to do that? Before we dive into that, it might be nice to tell you what male and female energy is. (Where (represents the male and female energy)
Because here we look beyond physical gender. Of course you are a man, a woman or at least you identify with something. But that is not what this retreat about. Whatever you identify with, we always have a male and a female energy within us. That is how the universe was created. There is wholeness, unity and within that there is the male and the female. And that is how duality arises within unity. That is how balance arises. That is how equilibrium arises. At least… When they are in balance. (that is how unity in consciousness and energy arises, shiva & shakti)

This is what the weekend retreat will bring you:
– You heal the male and female energy within yourself
– You will bring balance to your inner system between the masculine and the feminine
– You empower both energies in your energetic system
– You will feel and integrate a sense of (more) unity in your body
– You will experience what coming home to yourself means to you
– You will let go of heaviness, blockages and unnecessary baggage
– You will undergo various consciousness, transformation and manifestation methods
– You will learn to embody your inner strength
– You will embrace your creative power (sexual energy)
This is what you will experience at home after the weekend retreat:
– Life goes on more effortless for you
– You feel much more in the flow of life
– You feel more relaxed, so that the stress of everyday life passes you by
– You feel more powerful, so you stand up for your mission more
– You feel more unity in your body, which allows you to stay closer to yourself
– You have more life energy during the day
– A deeper connection with people and your environment
– A greater sense of gratitude for life
– You enjoy the moments more
A bit of history about the dark side of the male and female
During our own transformation journey and what we see in the outside world is that there are quite a few imbalances to be found in the male and female energy. Just in the past two thousand years alone, so much pain has arisen. Just look at all the conflicts, wars, heresies, the influences of the church and everything that has arisen from that. Abuse, oppression, dominance, rejection and we can go on and on with the list. What is important to know is that this has caused an imbalance in the male and female.
And we can carry this imbalance with us, in fact we carry it with us. If not in our individual processes, then we carry it with us from the collective. The burning of witches, men who were sent to the front, women who were abused and oppressed by the shadow side of the masculine, men who were deceived and manipulated by the shadow side of the feminine. In short… Quite a lot has happened and we all have to deal with it.

Intentions and structure of the retreat
The fact that quite a lot has happened in the past two thousand years is one of the reasons why this Homecoming in Unity Weekend retreat has come into being. It is our intention, as far as this is possible for you in the now, to heal and empower the masculine and feminine. And then bring them together into unity.
You will work in an intimate and small group (8 people), which means you will receive a lot of personal attention.
We will first start by healing the shadow sides of the feminine and masculine and then bring them back to their authentic side. So that more light, love and compassion arises.
So we come together on Thursday evening. We have an extensive gathering that evening. Here is space to connect, to share your own story, there will be a joint intake and we will open the field with meditation and other transformation techniques.

Day 1 Friday – Healing and blossoming feminine energy
Friday is all about feminine energy. Shakti.
Shakti stands for energy in motion, creative power, sexual energy and the power to change. Shakti also stands for caring, turning inward and a free intuitive flow. For effortlessly moving with the flow of life.
We are going to turn inward, connect with mother earth. Connect with the sacred feminine in you. We investigate the feminine energy in its power and what can stand between it. So we are also going to highlight the shadow side and bring light, movement and healing into it with various transformation techniques and tantric practices.
So that you can come more at home in the energy of the sacred feminine, let your life energy flow and effortlessly move with the flow of life with gentle strength.
Day 2 Saturday - Healing and Empowering Masculine Energy
Saturday is all about male energy. Shanti. And we will be working with this all day long.
This means a movement from the inside out. We are going to feel the power of action, take on the adventure and bring about change in the shadow sides of the masculine. These will also be highlighted, so that they can eventually come to transformation. We naturally invite the “light warrior” in you here. We go from abuse of power and oppression to reclaiming your inner strength.
Then on Saturday evening there will be a ritual to honor and bring together the masculine and feminine.
Day 3 Sunday – Back to Unity
So that we can further integrate the male and female in you on Sunday morning. The Sunday will be completely focused on creating unity in your system. Unity!
This means integrating the transformation processes and creating balance. You will remember and allow your own Divine energy. Here we use various manifestation tools and transformation techniques, so that you can allow and download new energy into your system. The goal of this last day is to remember heaven on earth in yourself and let the magic unfold.
We will then conclude the weekend together on Sunday at 5:00 PM with a joint sharing.
Photos of the location and bedrooms in the Ardennes

Build up program
Thursday evening January 18, 2024
– Arrival from 7:00 PM
– Joint opening from 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM
There will be no dinner on Thursday evening, but there will be refreshments.
Friday January 19, 2024 – Healing, Embracing & Embodying Feminine Energy
– Breakfast 08:00
– Morning program 09:30 to 12:30
– Lunch 12:30 to 14:00
– Afternoon program 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM
– Dinner 18:30
– Evening program 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM
The entire program of Friday is focused on healing the feminine energy within us.
Saturday January 20, 2024 – Healing, Embracing and Embodying Masculine Energy
– Meditation 07:00 to 07:45
– Breakfast 08:00
– Morning program 09:30 to 12:30
– Lunch 12:30 to 14:00
– Afternoon program 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
– Dinner 18:30
– Evening program 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM
The entire program of Saturday is focused on healing the male energy within us. We close Saturday with a ritual in the evening to honor and unite the male and female. Then we go into silence to integrate. We maintain the silence until the start of the morning program.
Sunday, January 21, 2024 – Integrating Unity
– Silence meditation & silence walk 07:00 to 08:30
– Breakfast in silence 08:30
– Morning program 09:30 to 12:30
– Lunch 12:30 to 14:00
– Afternoon program 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
– Joint closing from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
– Pack your things, tidy your room and head home at 5:00 PM
The entire program of Sunday is focused on integrating the masculine and feminine within you and then coming home in unity.

Who is this weekend retreat for?
This weekend retreat is for anyone who wants to heal, embrace and embody their male and/or female energy. In order to experience the unity within yourself again.
It is there for people who want to experience more balance in their (energetic) body and life.
It is for people who want to explore their dark sides, but also want to embrace their strength again.
It is for people who are not afraid to expose their dark sides and at the same time dare to embrace their authentic power again.
These are the methods we use:
– Consciousness methods, such as meditation and body awareness.
– Transformation methods, such as regression, trance, transformation protocols
– Manifestation methods, such as activation journeys and attunement to Soul potentials.
– Breathing methods, such as light breathwork and the connected breath.
– Exercises from Tantra, such as connecting exercises with yourself and others.
This is what you get:
– Three nights at La Ferme de Spa B&B and hosting the retreat space
– Three days full of programs
– Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
– Coffee & tea
– Own bedroom
– Two bedrooms share one bathroom each
– A life changing transformative experience
– Free access to the online training “Mastery in Change” worth €222.
Your investment this weekend:
– 695,-
(pay in one go)
– 720,-
(two monthly pay in installments of 360,-)
– 750,-
(Three monthly (pay in installments of 250,-)
Please note: the total amount must be paid no later than January 11, 2024