Life goes on whether you are sitting still or running around all day. It doesn’t stop when you don’t want to move along. Mother Earth and the universe do. Fortunately. And then I ask myself every now and then. Are you really sitting still? If everything continues when you are sitting still, aren’t you just going on without realizing it? The sun rises and sets again. The days just go on. Your physical body may be sitting still. The rest of your body isn’t. Your emotions continue. Your thoughts continue. So are you really sitting still? In my experience, no. Everything is constantly moving and standing still is simply not possible. And yet sometimes it feels like sitting still is useless and that it doesn’t add anything. Is that really true?
The power of silence
As I have experienced, sitting still is actually very valuable. Happiness and answers are hidden in the silence and are waiting for you to find them. They are truly there for the taking. Everything you need is and can be found within yourself. Focusing inwards instead of outwards. Really completely against everything we have learned. We are tried to find the answers outside of ourselves. We are tried to find happiness outside of ourselves. While everything really lies within yourself. The answers are within you. Happiness is within you. And you find that by really sitting still and being silent with yourself. With all your emotions, with all your thoughts. Confrontational? Definitely. Valuable? Definitely. Do I want to activate you to seek out the silence? Yes and no. When I tell you what you should and should not do, there is a chance that you will not do it. The only thing I can tell you is what it has brought me. And I want to activate you to go for your own happiness, because you deserve it so much!
Happiness comes when you listen to the silence
If there is one thing I have been good at, it was searching for happiness and finding answers outside of myself. Constantly busy with everything and everyone around me. Wanting to be liked. Attaching too much value to things. Looking for happiness and love with others. It's all great. But what happens when those things fall away? What happens when you end up on your own? Then you are there with all your emotions. Then you are there with all your thoughts. And how do you feel then? Can you say that you are happy and content with yourself or do you become unhappy? Do you still feel as good when you no longer receive love from a relationship? If I relate the questions to my own experience, then no. Then you are again stuck with your thoughts and emotions that make you unhappy. And that is precisely where the answers lie. You only end up sitting still with all those thoughts and emotions. You want to ignore them. You want to push them away. Believe me, I have really done that and it doesn't work. The key lies in listening to those emotions and thoughts. What do they want to tell you?
All those thoughts and emotions want to help you
Those thoughts and emotions just want to be heard. They want to help you heal yourself. Our system is not made to be unhappy. Our system wants to play, enjoy, grow, feel love. And of course it is completely okay to share that with others. The basis lies only within ourselves. All my thoughts and emotions continuously told me that I could create self-love and self-acceptance. They told me that I could follow my own path. They continuously told me that it was time for a different direction. All those thoughts and emotions are no more than direction indicators and signs. It is simply a matter of listening, experiencing, feeling and taking action on them. And when you are continuously focused only on the outside world, they are not heard. And the longer they are not heard, the more intensely they will present themselves and eventually result in physical complaints.
What can you do now?
Just start observing. I myself have also set the intention today to observe more. Not wanting to react to everything right away. First see what it triggers in me. What do I feel about this? What thoughts do I have? Where do I feel it in my body? What is the person talking really saying? What signals is the person talking giving off despite what they say? Where am I with my thoughts now? How does the energy in this space feel? Mindfully observe the environment when you walk outside instead of already being on the next step. Be more in the now.
When will that happiness come?
Happiness begins to come when you listen to the thoughts and emotions. As I already indicated, they are only signposts. They want to give you a message. Observe them, go into depth. I myself have experienced it as intense and certainly also painful every now and then. But as I have also described in my blogs before, happiness and growth come when you go through the resistance. When you gain more knowledge and answers to all those thoughts and emotions, happiness grows. Step by step you start to realize that you can be happy without all those outside influences around you. Maybe you discover that your current job is not what makes you happy. Maybe you discover that you are super happy with your current partner, but that painful moments from the past block you from feeling love. Everything is possible and happiness is different for everyone. That is why I cannot tell you when happiness comes. You can experience that best yourself. So be the observer of your own life and start creating the life that you so incredibly deserve. Find happiness within yourself.
With loving wisdom. Aho!