Yesterday I made the decision to stop with individual 1-on-1 sessions. I have had wonderful answers to that decision. I have received so much love. Thank you for that. That choice has immediately created space. I feel so much potential in the energy now. That feels so powerful and free.
Of course I feel the pain of raw and letting go, but I feel that this is so important in my process. So that I can come home even more to who I am and may be. And in that process it may be too much for a while, then it may hurt, then it may feel like you are overflowing for a while.
To then make healthy choices that serve your own process and therefore also the world around you. It is not a choice out of fear, but a choice out of Love for myself and the people around me.
This process was also immediately included in the Mystery School sessions that I was allowed to facilitate yesterday and today. When I go through something myself and entering new fields of Consciousness then I see that the people I work with, because that's how the trajectories feel, are also entering new fields. In other words: It's all connected. When we step into our own Divine Essence, others will recognize that and do the same. This is how one big shift of Consciousness.
But as always, you also get a number of reactions from projection. People then feel that they can put their projections on you. That is also okay, because we always project every now and then. I also recognize it in myself when I am in projection myself.
And that makes sense, because when you make yourself vulnerable and stand up for who you are, there will always be people who have an opinion about that. That also triggers. Super logical. You are doing something that is brave and courageous and that others may find scary.. It is unknown and when something is unknown it can be found scary. And it is allowed to be found scary, but what you don't have to accept is that people are going to use it against you.
They take the information from your story and then link it to their own experience and often also to their own pain points. Resulting in the projection that arises from a trigger/pain point from their own past.
When something like this happens to me, the first thing I do is go inside. My answers do not lie in the outside world but in my inner world. And when people place their projections with me, I always invite them to keep it with themselves and to go inside. To then always test what it does/touches me. So I also go inside myself.
When you share with the outside world, it is also possible that others see it as an opportunity to give advice without permission. But please.. Just don't do that... Just ask first. Can I give you advice? I see that you say this and that, I do have a certain view on that, do you think it's okay that I share that with you?
Sounds easy enough right? It is, but from triggers, which often come from “wanting to be seen”, the opposite is often done.
For example, recently I gave a lecture at a spiritual fair. And in the front row sat such a medium, also a wonderfully stereotypical medium. A bit round, gray hair and she looked at me with such a stern gaze from minute 1 that she entered. It was clear that she was reading me and at the end of the lecture she started telling all sorts of things unsolicited about what she saw in my field, how she saw my twin brother and so on. Now it was a nice story and I could handle it well in that situation. But did I really find it okay?
No, not really… When I look back on it, it feels like an infringement on my energetic system. One on One I actually think that you first must ask permission, before you give advice. But can you imagine what it's like when you're standing in front of a room full of people. Now I can see the humor in it, but actually it's impure and it happens from projection.
Why am I writing about this here? Probably because it affects me. I think being pure and clean is important. And that doesn't mean it always HAS to be clean and pure, because we are all learning.
But it does mean that we may shine light and create awareness on how we deal with our own energy field and that of others. And that we may always, I repeat always, first go within, before we possibly lay it down to others. And if we lay it down to others, we must first politely ask permission…