🥳 I feel reborn 🥳
Yesterday was a magical day for me personally, which I felt like I had been growing towards for a while. In the past few weeks, I have received several messages of rebirth. Dreams, power animals, angel numbers and last week I even found a scallop shell, which also stands for rebirth. Last Tuesday, my laptop suddenly decided to stop working, which meant I spent an entire day reinstalling and restoring the system. Every time I tuned in to what was going on, I got “making space”, “as soon as you come in, so soon as you leave”, “spring cleaning”. I was surprised at how calm I was able to remain that day. In the past, that laptop had already been thrown out of the window six times and had been severely cursed at several times. But not today. I knew deep down that it would work again in the evening. I was very clear about that myself. By continuously sensing what the laptop needed and what was going on, I was eventually able to solve the problem. The funny and beautiful thing is that the laptop also feels like new again, a lot lighter. As if it was reborn… That didn’t surprise me very much. A day and a half before, I had transformed the ties with old employers and also with working from a 3D mindset. As within, so without. My laptop therefore also needed a major cleaning. It was time to work from 5D and integrate the 5D workflow. Not from hard work for the ego, but from hard work for the bigger picture. From service. That is what I am allowed to work towards and that includes letting go or transmuting what no longer belongs there.
☮ Further detachment ☮
And last Thursday morning during a crown chakra healing by Rianne Manten I was allowed to detach a bit further. This time from my attachment to the human body. More detachment from the ego. Wanting to cling to my human existence. I know very well that I am more than this body and that this body is only a temporary part of my greater eternal right to exist. However, there was something in me that wanted to keep control, was afraid to leave the body and not be able to return. At the end of the session I knew and felt that something had changed, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Not knowing that this was also a prelude to what was allowed to happen yesterday...
🔜 Turn signals 🔜
Yesterday morning I was allowed to facilitate a beautiful session in which a separated soul part was reincarnated in the client. That resulted in so much love and connection with the earth. There was such a beautiful connection and it felt like coming home to her. It was truly wonderful to experience when you guide the client from complete surrender and service. Intuitively feel what may happen and may facilitate someone to be able to fully use his or her power. She was reborn again… Afterwards was the second signpost of the day. In the morning I was already congratulated, while my birthday is in December. After the session I also received a belated birthday present from Bir and my mother also had her birthday yesterday. From the training I learned that one time can still be a coincidence, but if there are three or four signals then it is no longer a coincidence. Then it has become a pattern. I was reminded that it could not be a coincidence. So I decided to go into meditation and lie down here under the magical pyramid in the meditation room. And that is where it happened…
❌ Clinging to my body ❌
It all happened unexpectedly and quickly from that moment on so I had no time to think about it. I lay down and was told that I was allowed to say a transformation protocol. The words flowed through my throat and I became lighter and lighter, especially after the first release that was focused on clinging to my body. I really started to feel that I was not my body and said so out loud. I have heard Robert's experience on the beach before, but I had never had such an experience myself. At least not consciously. I started to talk and I felt the words. I am not my body. I am not my emotions. I am not my thoughts. Not bound, but connected to this body. That was accompanied by a slight struggle between clinging and letting go of the body. Then something inside me said relax now. And I let go of everything... I saw myself step out of my current body and leave the old body behind. Like a snake that sheds its skin. Rebirth.
♾ I am unity and infinity ♾
Then it happened. I got an image of a door being opened by a woman. It was white and felt so liberating. I felt like I stepped into it and tears of gratitude flowed down my cheeks. The unity field, the field of eternal love. Connected to everything and everyone. Connected to my body and at the same time to everything. I am unity and infinite and I saw the infinity symbol again, as I often see in my image. Now I also understand that some things cannot be put into words. That feeling cannot be described in words. You can only experience it. Gratitude and so much love. I was allowed to taste the eternal source. Now knowing is no longer just knowing, but also being allowed to experience it. I started laughing with happiness. Maintaining that control over your body was an illusion for me. I was still connected to my body, but at the same time also to everything. The fear of losing my body was not real fear. I felt so much lighter and freer. No longer bound to anything.
🤣 Face the world with humor 🤣
Suddenly I felt my body tense up again and I became fully aware of my body again. For a moment I thought the fear would increase again, but then I realized something and I started laughing out loud. When I am so much light and love. When I have the divine in me. Then darkness cannot cling to me at all. Then it simply melts away. And that is what happened. Well then I didn't have it anymore. With humor I could laugh everything off. Tears of laughter on my cheeks, an ultimate feeling of gratitude. How beautiful this is. You wish this for everyone. And what now? Am I enlightened now? I have to laugh again as I type it. No, my name is still Brian and I still have my path to walk. I am still allowed to heal what needs to be healed. But something has changed. I feel reborn. I feel myself becoming softer and softer and living from love. A new door has opened for which I am incredibly grateful. It also felt like a gift. From here… Please… It’s time… You deserve it! I’m going to face the world with a big smile and humor.
Aho 💚🐺