🥳 Thank you for the congratulations 🥳
First of all I want to thank everyone for all the loving congratulations yesterday! I am grateful for the beautiful gifts I received. Melody Van Leeuwen and Jerry also thank you for the beautiful necklace! I also want to thank the people who donated to animal protection! 🎉🤗
🥂 The year 2020 🥂
In addition, I want to thank everyone for the past year. I think I can say that it was a hell of a ride for most of you, but also what a beautiful year. A year of awakening, new connections, new goals, new ways of living, entering a new world. A year of meditation, yoga, healing, mystery and discovery. A year of going within, being confronted, feeling the resistance, getting through it and then becoming more authentic again. A year of creating self-love, gaining confidence and listening to your heart. A year of intuition and developing gifts and higher senses. A year, a new beginning for humanity! 🦋
🕰 We're entering 2021 🕰
Tonight we enter 2021. Numerologically, that is a five year. A five stands for change, freedom and new perspectives. As I see it, we will continue to grow both as individuals and as a collective in the coming year. Even more in depth. In search of freedom that we may first find within ourselves. Embodying and feeling our life mission. Developing into our most beautiful authentic version. A year in which the collective comes under more pressure. A year in which we are challenged. Perhaps also a year in which duality seems to become even greater and where it seems that even more control and power is taking place.
🕊 A year of inner freedom 🕊
But remember dear people. We are already here! That control and power only affect you if you let it. That is why creating inner freedom is so incredibly important. It is also a year in which we can look at all the unlight without judgment and with compassion. It may seem like it is getting worse for a while, but you and I both know that growth and new beginnings arise from chaos and resistance. So welcome it. Let it be there. In love. In love with the unlight. In love with the light. Both for the individual and for the collective. Then inner freedom will arise.
Aho and I wish everyone a wonderfully meditative, gentle, loving, compassionate, transformative, free and authentic 2021! 💚🦋