Wow, what wonderful loving reactions I received yesterday on the launch of my website. Really super cool! I notice that this also really contributes to my own development and further growth. So thank you, thank you for that!
☀ I feel radiant ☀
Today I also feel radiant. The sun is slowly starting to come through and this afternoon it will be a lovely 18 degrees. Those lovely spring fevers arise, you know how it is. You may also smell it outside. The smell of the grass, the smell of everything starting to bloom again, still a fresh breeze now and then, but you can still feel it in everything. Spring is coming. The days are getting longer. The days are getting warmer. Your system indicates that it is time to come out of hibernation and to go outside. Not only to the outdoors into nature, but also to show yourself. To show expression of what you experience from within. Daring to show who you are and what you stand for. Seeking connection, making connection. Because everything talks, everything lives, everything is energy and everything is constantly in motion. Only you see it when you see it.
⛵Discovering like an adventurer ⛵
When you are ready for it, it will happen. Then going outside is not just going outside and enjoying the sun. Then you enter a different playing field. A field that lives, that moves, that is connected, with each other and with you. The beautiful thing is that this field has always been there. It will always be there. Only you only see it when you see it. So connect with that field, connect with nature and everything that lives outside. Invite it and experience what it does to you. Maybe you don't notice anything at all at first, but unconsciously everything is already moving. The first time I was allowed to experience that people were so connected to the field around themselves, I also thought... What are you talking about? Why don't I feel this? Why don't I see it? Only deep inside I knew and felt that this field was there. So I invited it. I gave it attention. In meditations I consciously connected with the field around me. Every day a protocol when I get up and before going to sleep where I set a field and invite the field around me to connect. Outside I connected my bare feet with the earth beneath me. I thanked the earth for carrying me. I began to consciously observe what happened inside and outside me when I was nature. I took moments to stand still and listen, really listen. And how frustrating it was at times, because I didn't get an answer back. I kept looking for that connection with the field around me, like an adventurer who goes on a discovery of new lands and treasures. Sometimes you have no idea where you are going, but you have faith. And you know whatever you are going to find and discover that it is worth it.
🏔 The adventurer who is rewarded 🏔
Just as the adventurer is often rewarded in stories for his decisiveness and trust, I have also experienced it in this life. When you really want to make that connection with the field, nature and the beings around you, you will get it. Then it will show itself to you. Maybe not immediately, but it will come. And when it does come… Then it is pure enjoyment. And do I now consciously experience everything that happens around me? Am I always connected to that field around me, with nature and the beings? No. Not consciously in any case. Everything goes in flow and sometimes you are not in that flow. And that is also completely okay. That is also where it becomes interesting, because why are you no longer connected? I then ask myself the question: could it be that I am not connected to myself at this moment and that I therefore do not feel the connection with the field around me? Often the answer is yes. Sometimes the answer is also no and then I know that I can just be patient. Then I know that I can trust that it is not showing itself for a conscious reason (yet).
Aho 💚 🦉