At the moment I am sitting at Starbucks with a delicious cappuccino, thinking and feeling about what this trip to Israel will bring me. The country feels magical, intense and breathtaking. A country with a beautiful history, but also torn apart by religious influences. The day before yesterday I heard about shootings in Jerusalem. It was explicitly written that it was a 13-year-old Palestinian boy. Then I read that the Israeli state is going to more easily issue gun permits to Israeli citizens, so that they can protect themselves against Palestinian terrorism…
What a division. What a misconception. What a violence. But above all, how incredibly unnecessary this is.. The promised land and the Holy City Jerusalem… Shouldn't that be about Love and Unity?
What I can't understand and on the other hand I do understand it because I know how hypnosis works, how indoctrination works and what it's like to be stuck in conditioning. So yes, I understand it somewhere..
But still not, because the logical thinking brain, which we all have, that should ask questions somewhere? It questions a lot, so why not the belief in a certain God?
If we assume that God is love. God is unity. God brings everything together. Then wouldn't that all-encompassing God, who is Love with a capital L, ask us to exclude, torture or even kill others?
When you ask yourself the question is it love to exclude, torture or even kill someone? Then any logical thinking mind would say no? And when there are voices in the head that say yes, then shouldn't it be that everything in the Heart says no?
That is something that has always occupied me. Why kill each other, when we can live in Love with each other and the Earth? Without pain, without suffering. In the meantime I understand more and more why these kinds of scenes keep happening, but that is not what this writing is about.
The point is that I believe in a God. Not a God, as described in the Bible or whatever. To me, God is all there is. God is Love. God is the Universe, if you prefer that word. God is Spirit, God is Buddha-nature. We are God. That Divine spark is within us and it is outside of us. It is all-encompassing.
And if we may find an entrance to that Divine spark anywhere in our body, it is most likely in our Heart, as all the wise teachers of ancient times have tried to convey to us.
That it is then twisted, twisted and completely taken out of context… In my opinion, that has nothing to do with the Original Faith anymore, but more with manipulation and separation.
Because imagine… It would be terrible if we remembered that we are Divine and that we are Love. And that there is no need to live in fear and continue to hurt each other, because we are part of something Greater. Something that can actually create Miracles.
And that Divine Spark, that Love, that Oneness, the Original Faith and all those Miracles… To remember this again on deeper levels and to reconnect with it. That is why Israel is calling to me at this moment.
My cappuccino with oat milk is now finished and it is 12:12 when I look at the clock.
It is time to go on a journey and come home again on deeper levels. It will be an emotional journey, I can feel that, but that is all allowed.
Lots of love and you will see the photos passing by,