This morning I went into full dad mode. Nala had taken a block of about 200 grams of raw cacao out of a bag and eaten it. I had just stepped out of the shower when Esther discovered it…
Within 1 minute we were on the phone with the vet. A block of chocolate. No, not good for a dog, but 200 grams.. pure.. while I as a human drink 30 grams. Oops…
15 minutes later I was at the vet and before I knew it Nala had a syringe in her neck and within 5 minutes she was vomiting it all out.
I noticed that I was aware during the process, but could also feel the adrenaline. Taking action immediately, canceling appointments that were planned for the morning in the car and at the same time reacting slightly irritated to cars that do not drive through. Not in panic and no fear that I consciously experienced at that moment, but acting and present in a slightly chaotic situation.
I immediately invite my guides and ask the light to protect Nala. I tune in to her spirit animal and stay fully connected to her. All of the above and the good care of the vet ensured that Nala received good care immediately. Within half an hour she was her old self again and as a bonus she was allowed to cuddle with us on the couch all day. Enjoying all the love. Is that how she manifested it?
Now I knew from the first minute that things would turn out well, because I took action, but in that moment I also know that this doesn't just happen.
I immediately take my lessons from it afterwards. The lessons I took from it are:
1) People and animals you love come before everything else. Then everything else is not important.
2) Always stay centered in your own core, no matter what happens and move from there.
3) Know that everything is Divinely orchestrated and everything has a deeper meaning.
4) Do not leave cocoa or other food near dogs if they are not allowed to eat it. So not even in bags.
When you look into Nala's eyes you see love, but now that she is officially connected to the energy of cacao she is even more love.
I look at it both earthly and realistically, but also energetically. In the earthly reality it is a dog eating chocolate. That is not a good combination. That means action and direct action, so that she does not die.
At that moment it is not yet a task to look at a deeper meaning. At that moment it is simply action, both physically and energetically.
Then you take time to really feel why this is happening…
In that you could say that Nala wanted to connect with the energy of cacao herself, to heal her heart more. She has experienced rejection in the past.
In this you could say that Nala shows me again what is important and that I can stay centered and present in stressful situations.
And in that you could say that life sometimes takes an unexpected turn and we have to go along with it.
And how was your day today? 🤣
Big kiss,
From Nala and me