Moving with the times of change
The world is changing and we need to move with it.
You may have noticed it in the past period... The collective field is in enormous motion. We are in the middle of a major change process.
In that, the task is to stay with ourselves and continue to do our own inner work. I'll tell you why later.
We can stay out of projection. We can stay out of distribution.
We are not left. We are not right. We are not even the center.
What are we then?
It is not about choosing sides. It is about realizing that we are everything and nothing at the same time. From the ego, there can be division and fear is sown. From Consciousness, there is love and there is a knowing that we are everything.
Without darkness there is no light. Without light there is no darkness. At least in this dual world where we live. A denial of darkness is a denial of your own essence. A denial of light is a denial of your own essence. Wholeness can be experienced by realizing that we are both.
But how can we position ourselves in this? How do we move in this knowing?
Especially in periods of great change this can seem “difficult”. Here again it is just a matter of how you look at it. If you look at change from ego (fear) then change quickly becomes chaos. If you look at change from Consciousness (love) then change is a beautiful aspect.
More and more I discover that the art is mainly not to fight against change, but to look at it from Consciousness. To embrace it. And then to sink deeper into it. To be with it in the NOW. In the NOW where all the answers lie. Where everything merges.
Not to run away from it, but to stay with it. Knowing that life is a process, where change is continuous.
In both individual processes and collective processes, change is continuous. And you could say that both are connected. The outside world is (still) a representation of our inner world.
Change your inner world, change your outer world (instantly).
If you want change, because you are not happy with the way your life is, all you have to do is go within. And do your (transformative) work there. That is where the answers lie.
Only we humans sometimes forget that everything is already inside us. That we are everything. We lose ourselves in the chaos of the world. War, natural disasters, attacks, murder and so on.
On a deeper level you could also say that this is a reflection of our inner world, because otherwise it would not show itself.
Look at the world and you know that as a collective we have our inner work to do.
For me it feels very big when I see how much pain and chaos there is in the world. That feels way too big for the person Brian to solve. In fact… I am convinced that you lose yourself in it when you focus completely on what is happening in the outside world. And you set yourself a goal to solve this in the outside world.
To still the war within us and make peace. And to realize that this (inner) peace has long been attainable for those who are ready for it.
Because everything is already there.. Remember?
If today everyone would decide to turn their gaze from the outside world to the inside world, I am sure that as a collective we would heal more easily.
Connect to the new way instead of the old way. The new way that is inward. The old way that is outward.
And so we change (transform) into the new earth, heaven on earth.
Together we create heaven on earth,