It is my dream and mission to guide others in letting go of old pain, old sorrow and blocking patterns. In order to then go through life more freely, authentically and independently, IN LOVE.
When I look at my own past, I was a master at swallowing my own emotions and those of others. I just didn't know what to do with them. I had no idea how to express them. I lived completely in fear and pain. I just didn't know how to express them. As a result, I started to numb these emotions. This then resulted in a destruction of the Self.
“Here, numbing does not necessarily mean drinking or drugs, but it can also mean work, smartphone use or always having to be busy.”
When you do this for too long, you slowly break inside, bit by bit. This goes on and on. Until the bomb explodes. Emotions can be stuck for a very long time, but there comes a moment when they start to express themselves. If not through expression, then through illness, although that is also a form of expression.
When we suppress our emotions it leads to increased anxiety, poor decision making, feelings of depression, self-sabotage and fatigue, among other things.
While peace, relaxation, freedom, inner peace, strength and balance arise when we dare to express these stuck emotions.
But HOW? For years I had no idea. I was afraid to let my emotions be there, because I had already experienced how destructive they can be. Until I learned to let them be there in a safe environment. I learned that emotions just want to be seen and felt, so that the heaviness can be gone and space is created for LOVE.
Because ultimately all those stuck and painful emotions want only one thing. And that is to be released, to be released, to be seen and felt, so that Love can take its place.
Regularly expressing the emotions you experience is such a relief, also for your inner child.
Do you need guidance in this? You know where to find me!