Love is something magical. It is so beautiful, grand and infinite. It goes beyond what we can comprehend with our consciousness. Love is universal. It is the force that keeps us standing. It is the force that sets us in motion. It is the force that builds bridges and makes new connections. The field of love is always there. It is in, around and through you. Everyone has access to this beautiful field at all times and in all places. You only have to tune into it, as is the case with other frequencies and vibrations. Miracles arise from that field. The field of love has such a manifestation power from which everything can be created. Provided you do it from love, love for yourself and love for the greater whole. Not from ego, but from a greater love for the collective. When you make the choice to contribute to something that benefits a greater whole, you will notice that the Universe will support you even more. It brings the right people on your path. You start to notice synchronicity. You suddenly receive the right financial resources to set something in motion. Suddenly it all comes your way. As if it were magic.
🪐 The world, the Universe, it's magic! 🪐
It is also magical. The world is magical. The Universe is magical. Everything happens exactly as it is supposed to happen. We all create our own reality. Just like typing and expressing it creates my reality. What you believe in will be there. Can you imagine what this can do to the earth? What this can do to us as humanity? If we all believed in love, our reality becomes love. When I look at the outside world now, I see the same thing happening, but in the opposite direction. It is vice versa. What you believe in grows, that becomes your reality. So also fear. What is happening in the world now shows how many people live in fear. And let us be in the middle of the transmission from Fear to Love. What I see, and again that is my reality, is that more and more people are choosing for themselves and with that for love. More people are stepping out of fear and going for real life again. The more people choose love, the easier it will be for the rest to do this as well. Until we reach a tipping point. When more than enough people choose love, the rest will automatically follow suit. And do you know what the real beauty of this is? It's magic. You can choose to say love out loud today and do it as often as you feel it's necessary.
I no longer choose fear. From today I choose love. From today I am love and I connect with the field of love. I am in love with myself. I am in love with the world around me. I choose universal love. So it is and so it will be.
And then the magic happens. Let it flow. Let it come to you. Today I ask myself the question: Does what I do contribute to the creation of the New Earth? Yes or no? If it is yes, I do it. If it is no, I don't do it. That is my signpost. My signpost for choosing love, because the New Earth is my love, my mission, my path.
Aho 💚🦦