Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed walking hand in hand
Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed walking hand in hand
This week I wrote a beautiful piece about living in God and believing in God, knowing that God is Love. I wrote about working with Yeshua and the Holy Spirit.
I feel so much joy in this. There is a certain peace, a deeper relaxation. A knowing that everything will be okay. There were also so many beautiful reactions. People who came in tears, people who experienced goose bumps everywhere, people who felt so much recognition.
Wow.. Thank you for that! It confirms what I already felt and what was whispered to me.. This is what I have to do.
However, I also see that there are other reactions to my point of view. Reactions that try to steer me in a certain direction, such as reading the Bible (which is nothing wrong with, because the Bible also contains beautiful passages). But there are also comments that suggest that I follow a false Jesus or a false God. And that division is part of Love.. And that the only truth is the truth that is in the Bible. If you do not read it, then you do not have the truth in your possession.
Because when we say we believe in God, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit. And then say that everything else is “false light”… Aren’t we completely missing the point? As I see it, we are completely in duality again. And it is precisely here that division and fear are created. My truth is the truth and yours should not be there…
Only because Yeshua came to show us about 2024 years ago how we try to live. In connection with God, in connection with all-that-is.
But what about the natives then? What about all those tribes, spread across the world, who live in alignment with Mother Earth? They believe in Great Spirit. That there is something that connects us all… And when we are silent, we can hear the whisper (the Word).
Doesn't God breathe through everything? God does not divide for me, but embraces everything. The Cathars, the Druids, the Native Americans, the Aboriginals, the Buddhists…
And yes, also the Christians, Muslims, Jews and all other movements... All driven by something Greater than us.
Something that is called God, Consciousness, Great Spirit, Buddha Nature and the Universe. All names for the same thing.
No more fighting, but unification. That does not happen through division and rejection. That happens through Love.
Together we create Heaven on Earth,