For years I searched for love in the outside world. It took no less than 28 years before I came to my senses. The word “inwardness” actually says it all. You turn in, in other words: you turn inward in order to then change. You start thinking differently, which creates a different realization…
In my case, it was a realization of self-love. Embracing my potential within me and daring to surrender to it (more and more).
In the darkest of nights I made a decision to focus on my light. To put myself first, to see myself as the center of the universe. I had no idea at the time what effect this would have on my life…
Now three years later it is becoming increasingly clear. I see myself as the Universe, as part of it. I see myself as God, as part of it.
By seeing myself as the center and as part of the Universe and God (these two names are the same to me, but because for many people the word God still has a charge, I often use both terms) I notice that I increasingly gain access to that same creative power. And that creative power is Love.
Why do I keep saying more? I find the answer in shadow work. When we clean ourselves up more and more, the creative power will increase. Why?
The creative force and the intentions behind it are becoming purer and purer. They are coming forward more and more from love. More from the Soul and less from the ego.
And that shadow work that we all have to do you do this by turning inward, by coming to your senses. Old patterns, beliefs and conditioning are transformed, whereby new ones arise and the new manifests itself.
And once you have repented, once you have turned inward, then the path will continue inward. We can distract ourselves as much as we like, but after a first step, the path within will continue to call. Always a layer deeper, so that we increasingly recognize our own light and love within ourselves.
So that we start creating from a loving source and less and less from a source of fear.
This is how we create heaven on earth together 🌍
Ready to create heaven on earth for yourself? Then take a look at this.