I am in a deep cleansing
Over the past few days I have noticed that I am in a deep cleansing towards the past and that from there space is being created to contribute to creating a more beautiful world.
As some of you may already know, I have started the course in miracles. The course in miracles invites me to free myself from old patterns and conditioning. In which I am especially invited to look at the world differently. A return to the pure experience of what is. Instead of looking at situations and people through thoughts that I have given meaning to myself. I am now invited time and again to learn to See again.
I feel a lot of resignation in that. Although tomorrow I will only start my third week of the course. Lesson 21 of 365. I already feel so much change there. I can say that it is detoxifying. It detoxifies the mind (ego).
All kinds of old (thought) patterns come up and it is so nice and soft to be able to look at them in a different way.
Because I experience a lesson every day, I can also work directly with everything that comes up.
I believe I am in a cleansing process, a remembering of who and what I really am. And I believe Egypt opened this up in me, because Egypt… The temples… The pyramids… What an incredible change that has brought about.
Although I can't say exactly what it has done to me, I do feel much more light and purity in the short term. Something has been awakened that feels very familiar and at the same time somewhat exciting. Namely that worries disappear. And in their place comes more relaxation and surrender. A greater trust in life and in the Divine.
Thoughtful patterns, rusted programming in the subconscious. Everything comes to light. And how beautiful and incredibly wonderful is that?
In this I also want to invite you to discover this in your own Self.
Because all that space that is created, makes me feel that I can contribute more. That I can bring people together, as is the case with Heaven on Earth. You and I are one together. Although we can be so different and lead a completely different life. That is where we are set in motion and we are part of that same Source. A source of Love.
And I would like to meet you. From Heaven on Earth community we are going to organize meetings, where everyone is welcome. The first is on Sunday afternoon March 10th.
Then write HOA in the comments and I will send you the link
Together we create heaven on earth,