I have opened and activated so much here.
Sitting here at breakfast in Luxor I realize that my journey is coming to an end. Well… at least the physical journey here in Egypt. The energetic and spiritual journey will continue for a while.
I have opened and activated so much here. I am glad and grateful that I have written a lot, but still I have not been able to write everything down for myself.
When I arrive in Hurghada, later today, I will take some time to write down all the experiences in short sentences. From experience I know that it contributes to the integration process. For me at least. Writing is processing for me. Writing is giving things a place.
Now that I am eating my breakfast and watching the balloons slowly float through the sky, I also feel a slight sadness rising up.
The energies are working through me. I only have to close my eyes and they appear. A part has woken up. And that feels good.
Despite the sadness that this journey is almost over, it is also nice to go back to my other “home”.
To Esther, to Milo, Jaxx and Nala. My loves. Where I realize again in this journey that this love is unconditional.
To my parents, who share so much love with me and are always there for me.
To Asia and Stephan, who I received as a gift when I entered into a love connection with Es.
And of course all those beautiful connections. With friends, girlfriends, Mystery School participants, teachers, the podcast and everything that is going on in my life at the moment.
Yes.. going home is also nice. Wonderful that we live in a dual world and that you can just feel the joy of going home and at the same time the sadness that the journey is almost over.
But I almost say… before I dive straight into the holidays at home, my birthday on December 30th and the new year… I first have a visit to the Lion Goddess on the agenda.
Sekhmet here I come!