I write this with great courage, but a deep knowing that it is now allowed and necessary. The last period is for me all about reconnecting with my own Divine spark. It is not without reason that I will of course leave for Israel next Tuesday to connect with the mystical places and the ancient energy.
For a long time I thought that seeing your own Divinity was arrogant. That it was not right and that this was only reserved for gurus. Which is logical. For centuries the influence of the church has made God something we should look for outside ourselves and not within ourselves. In fact… It is madness to see yourself as Divine. Even now with the writing I can still feel the old conviction. Who do you think you are? Now people are going to see you as arrogant. You are crazy. How can you say that about yourself? And of course that is then mirrored by the outside world. As within, so without.
But I am shifting. I feel it in the deeper waters within myself. Those voices and age-old beliefs, I say goodbye to them one by one. They are no longer of service.
Because I feel that there is something bigger working through me, teaching me. II feel the presence of Divine energy within me and around me and the presence of ascended masters. It is as if they are telling me: go Brian, it is safe now, just remember. It is time and the world needs it. …Go walk the path of enlightenment…
Yesterday this was mirrored to me again very clearly and for that I am very grateful. I had a session with a client of mine from the Mystery Manifestation School Traject. And that session was, not entirely surprisingly, about reconnecting with your own Divine Spark. And what happened there was truly magical.
It makes me emotional again when I write about it. Something bigger took over. The energy in the room was so enlightened with Christ consciousness. We came into deep serenity, peace and such a deep sense of “all is well”. I felt so grateful, because I also realized myself that this is what it is all about.
This was Divine… and if this is Divine then there is nothing arrogant about it. Then it is beautiful. So much light, so much love, so much serenity. It is coming home. I know this feeling and I have felt it more often in receiving sessions with Ariette Love, but now I was guiding myself.
It makes me wake up on other levels that we may remember that we are Divine and that there is nothing arrogant or wrong about it. I just know that. Yeshua already said it.. The Kingdom/Queendom of Heaven is reached through the heart. We are here to create Heaven on earth. And we do not find that Heaven outside of ourselves, it is within us. That is coming Home in who we are in essence. Coming Home in our Divinity. Coming Home in the Light. That is enlightening ourselves.
I made the choice to fully allow this. And then last night I dreamed about a baby being born. And that I was taking care of it in all vulnerability. A rebirth.
If this is the intention that I am going to remember this, then Brian with his sometimes limited beliefs and ideas can step aside. And then I let life work through me. So that it not only puts myself completely in the Light, but also invites others to increasingly stand in the Light.
So that we each begin to live our own Divinity.
Written with great courage… I am Divine and I invite you to see yourself as Divine too