Letting go of the old to embrace the new
It is a time of letting go, so that a new wind can blow.
The month of January throws me into the deep waters of surrender. There is renewal happening and I feel that I am allowed to move with it. And that is exciting…
Suddenly it happened this month… I felt that I could embrace and let go of connections from the past. Relationships, which still contained impurities, suddenly came up. So that I could finish it well. The ego would avoid it, but love decided to connect with it.
What happened next is that “collisions” arose with people who are close to me. I decided to do this, because I do not see “collisions” as just a clash, but as an invitation to investigate what is going on in the deeper layers. Often there is an imbalance there, which causes a “collision”, so that this can be healed.
I entered into this knowing that it invites me to move from love and to stimulate growth in the relationships…
What happened next is that people started to disappear. Of course, not just disappear, but relationships ended. A man stopped a trajectory because he was forced to follow a different path.
Richard decided to stop working for and with me, because he is going to stand on his own two feet. Which I am super happy about for him, because I want him to have it so much. But it pushed me even further into feelings of mortality and mourning. Richard has contributed with heart and soul to all my content, the podcast and the creation of the Heaven on Earth community over the past year. With pain and love I was allowed to let him go…
Then I heard from Nikita, another team member, that she also decided to quit and wanted to stand completely on her own two feet.
Okay… So apparently, in the area of my mission, the world may also be used, a new energy may arise. I know that I may then surrender to that.
In the meantime, a new team is ready with Jimmy, Nick and Anne Floor. The places were immediately filled by the universe, for which my thanks.
Alone… letting go… death… and mourning… I feel it deep in my body. Saying goodbye to the old. Welcoming the new, whatever that may be.
I feel the excitement of the adventure that teasingly waits around the corner. And at the same time I feel the grief of everything that the ego experiences as loss.
It is winter. Not only the season, but also in my inner world. It has a certain beauty, but also the ego experiences that it is afraid to lose even more. It can sometimes feel unsafe. While my Soul makes leaps of happiness, because it knows that Love is creating space for the new.
Whatever that may be
I'm writing this because I feel like more people are experiencing this right now.