Over the past two weeks I have been writing about Divinity, Holiness and my trials in Israel regarding Yeshua, faith and daring to allow the Christ consciousness into my (sacred) Heart. And not to forget all the mystical experiences I had there.
I can tell you that they have made an impression. It has really had such a big effect. And here in the Netherlands it just continues. I am so open, I see more, I feel more, I know every now and then that things are happening, just before they happen and that continues. That really takes some getting used to for the earthly Brian, but it is also welcome. And of course that is sometimes accompanied by feelings of fear. That is part of the process and that is welcome.
All the light that I have received through the processes in Israel also ensures that my body is releasing low-vibrated energies. I can also give in to that. I give myself time for that. But it's like there are flashes of light passing through me all the time and I'm constantly reminded of the Divine energy I'm learning to embody.
So also in the two sessions that I facilitated yesterday and today. Both were so Divine. The energy really blew us away. I am really getting used to it and also integrating what is moving through me now. It feels so powerful, but also humble and holy. There you have that word again. It fits perfectly with the Mystery School courses that I am currently guiding. The mysteries that I unravel myself directly ensure that participants in my programs also begin to unravel their mysteries.
And I also see immediately when I stand in my Divinity that clients and participants of trajectories also start to accept this energy. And that creates a snowball effect. That makes it so incredibly valuable. And zo we unleash (beautiful choice of words by the way) a wave of Divine Love.
For those of you who don't always read my blog posts, but maybe every now and then, or never and this is your first time. For me, Divinity, Holiness, Yeshua and the Christ consciousness have little to nothing to do with the church (as we know it in Western culture). That is to my feeling and knowledge twisted, as are all teachings given by Yeshua and followers. The teachings of Yeshua, which were mainly about Divine Love and creating heaven on earth, have been twisted for over two thousand years. To me it feels like it is time for this to be restored.
And no… I’m not going to work with my foot between the doors as Jehovah’s Witnesses. First of all, that faith is very different from my faith. Not that it’s wrong, but for me it’s not about love anymore. Of course I write that with a wink, but also with a well-considered reason. II don't see it as my job to convince people. Why would I convince people of my truth? You are allowed to have your own truth and it is just as true as my truth. What I find particularly interesting is this: when you try to convince someone of your own faith and are not open to other points of view… Aren’t you just trying to convince yourself?
And then ask yourself the question… Is it love to reject other points of view? Is it love to kill in the name of your god? And if there were a God, would he reject people or in the worst case order others to be killed? Even if he did… Then he would in fact be rejecting and killing himself, because we are all part of that same divine spark. Sounds very illogical, doesn’t it?
For me, all the concepts I mention above are about who we are in essence and have nothing to do with the distorted image the church has created about faith. We are Divine. We are Holy. We are so incredibly powerful. We are love.
We create our own reality. Unfortunately, there have also been parties that have abused this and have imposed their own truth (with an iron fist) on others. Is that love? I don't think so, right?
Isn't love walking your own path and creating your own truth? Just like my path is love and healing and my faith is created on the fact that we are all part of that same Divine spark. I have respect for Jews, for Christians, for Muslims and for Buddhists. I don't care what your faith is. I just find it interesting.
But what I don't get is that love would lie, manipulate, reject and murder. Not even in the name of faith. That feels more fear-related and is only and only a lack of love. Not that we fight against it, but we don't have to agree with it. Because ultimately that also only needs one thing and that is love. So that the lying, manipulating, rejecting and murdering can stop.
And if I may return to creating heaven on earth, I can tell you that there is already access to it. We don't have to wait for a "savior" to come. We can tune directly into fields of love. It is a path inward that we may make to step out of suffering. It is a path that leads to the connection with the (sacred) Heart. To come back into connection with who we are in essence, love.