Believing in changes in a changing world
Do you believe in a changing world? I do. And it is my life's work to make this world a more beautiful place for you and myself, for ourselves and for our children.
Now is the time for change. Not tomorrow, not next week, not next year. This is the time to create. To create a world where we feel happy and joyful. Where we live from love, connected to our Divine Essence.
Do not create from fear, because that is illusion, but create from Love.
In connection with the light that we all carry within us. You and I, are not so different from each other. Maybe it seems that way to the eye, but at the core you and I are love. And we are created from that same Source, from God.
It's time to stand up for ourselves. To remember who and what we are. To re-embody our true power. This is what I believe is expected of us.
We may remember who and what we are, not yesterday, not tomorrow, but now. We may remember that we are Love, created from the Light.
And that Light may shine. That is your birthright. In fact… I believe that it is asked of you, what is expected of you, to let your Light shine again.
I see an image of more and more people turning on their light, a network that expands itself, as God (Spirit) continues to expand itself.
To then bring this memory of what we already are (Light and Love) to earth, into matter. In this way we create a Heaven on Earth. I can tell you that there is a filter thin layer between Heaven and Earth. And that this is already available to you.
I feel supported and carried in a warm bed, an infinite nourishing Source. And I like to share that with you.
And you... How are you feeling today?