Last Sunday morning I drove back to the Netherlands early. In the Netherlands I will be with my parents for a few days, visit some friends and follow a Reiki 2 course on Thursday and Friday. It is nice to see my parents again. It also feels good to connect with friends again and of course I am really looking forward to following the Reiki 2 course. Only since I have been in the Netherlands I also experience a kind of escape behavior. I do not experience that continuously. I mainly experience that when I am on my own. I prefer to get in the car back to Terra Nova. The restlessness that I experience here I did not feel in the South of France. It also feels like I am not that restlessness. I just try to feel it and my feeling tells me that the energy here in the Netherlands is much more tense. And apparently I still have backdoor entrances through which it also affects me. Although it is not a nice feeling and I feel a bit further away from myself, it does give me a challenge. Especially here it is a beautiful challenge to remain in my own light and strength. With this my respect for all light workers who do their work here in the Netherlands in a considerably lower vibration.
Energy of the Hathors
About six weeks ago I came across a book called the Hathor Material, written by Tom Kenyon and Virginia Essene. No idea of the content of the book, but it attracted me. Yesterday was the moment that I opened the book for the first time. I immediately felt a certain recognition. The Hathors are a group of interdimensional beings who are known as the masters of sound and energy. These beings claim to be four-dimensional and are our older brothers and sisters in consciousness. They have also been involved with humanity for millennia. Something in me immediately said that I would be allowed to work with this energy. They also work directly with the energy from the source. Not much later they immediately offered themselves and I channeled an introduction or introductory message. I had not seen that coming so quickly and did not expect it so quickly either. They indicated that they would like to work with me and through me. That they wanted to help in the healing process of me and from me to others. For now I can also say a lot about this, because it is all new to me too. However, I did think it was important to share this knowledge with you. Everyone has the right to information and then decide for themselves what to do with it. Not doing anything with it is also fine. If you do feel drawn, then you know enough. I myself was also really enthusiastic about it. How cool is the playing field of the spiritual world. It continues to amaze me time and time again.
Staying in my own energy
To stay in my own energy here in the Netherlands, I use an exercise that I was allowed to learn at Terra Nova. With this exercise, you create a bubble of light and safety around you, so that any low-vibrated energy from others can enter your energy system less quickly. And this exercise works as follows. You sit or stand and make sure that you are grounded. Visualize roots from your feet into the earth, so that you stand firmly with both feet on the ground. Then you breathe in the energy of the earth towards your heart area and you fix it there. I give this the color green. So I breathe green energy from the earth through all my body parts towards my heart and I fix it there. Then I do the same, but then I breathe in energy from the universe via my crown. Also towards the heart where I fix it. For this I use a light yellow color of energy. In my heart region, I then let these two energy flows and colors merge. Then I take a deep breath through my nose and then blow out forcefully through my mouth. As I do this I visualize that ball of energy expanding, first my physical body and then outside my body, continuing on this way until I finally have a ball of energy surrounding me.