Clearing energetic ties in five steps

Maybe you recognize it. You just came from that annoying uncle and you feel completely drained. Drained. Tired. Done. You just want to go to bed.

This is due to the energetic exchange. Without realizing it, we are exchanging energy with each other all day long. This happens on love and high vibration, but also on the basis of fear.

And now it is that in our lives we have had to deal with different people. People with whom we have probably been intimate. Not with all of them, but with a part of them. And we have also experienced events and experiences that may not have been so pleasant.

And what happens then? An energetic hook is placed in your system.

That doesn't always happen, but it has happened with the people, events and experiences that you have a bad feeling about.

And then it is so that at that moment you yet are energetically connected to this person, event or experience. With the direct result that energy is drained from you. It is taken away from you. In the case of the uncle, you are then drained.

What can help with this is to take all those to clear energetic ties and free yourself, so that you can stand purely in your authentic self-power. Powerful. Creative. Loving. Beautiful as the beautiful being that you are.

For this purpose I have recorded this energetic ties clearing in five steps. 

What you get in this package is the following:

– A meditation aimed at transforming the bonds.

– A PDF with a transformation protocol, an explanation of how to transform the tires and an accompanying assignment.

– A spoken transformation protocol to transform the energetic bands.

– An activation focused on standing in your own power, breaking free and clearing the energetic ties on an even deeper level.

– An integration video with tips, tricks and what next.

Energetische banden opschonen in vijf stappen

I am now offering the package for only 45,-, while according to testers of the program it is worth at least 100,- euros. Why? Because I think it is accessible to everyone and should remain so.

That's why you get lifetime access! You will simply receive this package from me after payment, so you can always access it when you need it.