I would like to share something with you and that is love. Love is flowing. I can feel it. It fills my heart. It fills my whole body. It fills my soul. Love is my soul. Love is consciousness. Pure and clean consciousness. And I feel that I want to share this with you. Love may flow. It may flow.
When it rains, it drips small drops of love and consciousness. When the sun shines, it radiates pure and clean consciousness on us. It radiates warmth and love on us. When it storms, it blows strongly and purifies us. When it is foggy, we may receive and see love in times of turbidity.
When the wind is still, we may experience the power of silence. Experience how peaceful the silence is. Experience how intense and sensual the silence is. How calm it is.
Let's let the love flow. Let's let it flow. From heart to heart. From soul to soul. I have placed an intention in this message. And that intention is to let unconditional love flow. To connect with the unconditional flow of oneness. Effortlessly and in love.
So let us come together and be together. Let us merge. Become one together. Be one together. Let us come home to the source energy. We are the love. We are the source. Remember it. Feel it. Experience it. Come home.
Connect to your heart. Open your heart. Let it flow. Let it flow. Let it flow. Feel how your heart fills with love. With happiness. With enthusiasm and playfulness. And at the same time with peace, calmness and silence. Feel the intensity. Let it fill your whole body. When it has filled your whole body, let it flow through to your surroundings. Make the connection. It is there. It is always there. We only have to remember it and reconnect.
Let us come home to how it is meant to be. To how we all originally knew it. Let us meet again.
Meeting in the energy of the source.