Often when I speak to clients from a trajectory, they all say the same thing... They are looking for themselves and how they can create a better life for themselves...
What they are actually saying is that they are looking for paradise within themselves. Originally, there is a desire in man to find his/her true core again.
These people all have in common that they know there is a home. They know there is something bigger that connects us all. And they know there is simply more than what they are experiencing now.
What I often hear is that layers of resistance keep coming up, which prevents them from creating this paradise for themselves. Pain, sadness, emotions and thoughts based on fear then come up.
When we then dive into it, which becomes increasingly effortless, we always end up in the past. Hthe past triggers the events of the present.
My role in this is to guide the client to a place of healing. A place where the pain and fear can be released. To then bring these parts back to and connect them with the light.
When this process is completed, the same answers generally always emerge:
“I feel relaxed, calm and accepted”
“My heart is much more open”
“I can feel the love flowing”
“Everything is falling into place much more now”
“I now understand where this fear comes from”
“I see it very clearly now”
The process has then transformed itself from fear to love. A choice is made internally for the empowerment of the Self, in which the choice is always Love.
In the feelings that arise after a session within the process, paradise increasingly comes to the fore.
The illusion is that we have forgotten that there is no such thing as separation, the illusion of separation.
Within the healing process of the person in question, it is part of remembering that we are already whole. We are already Divine. We are part of all-that-is. It is part of remembering that everything they are looking for is already within us. So also that paradise that we are looking for. Paradise is within us. We are paradise. It is a place that we can all enter and is available to everyone.
Only we tell ourselves that we are not worthy, that we are separate and that we have to do a hundred things to enter that paradise within ourselves. My truth is that it is already here.
The layers of pain and fear that we peel away allow us to reach that paradise within ourselves more and more easily.
When I look at the people I work with, I already see paradise. I also see what they still need to work on and where the sore spots are. Only I also see that paradise is available. And that it is my job to navigate to it again and again, to tune in to it and to turn on the light more. It cannot be turned off, we can only hide it well.
Curious about a trajectory or do you want to work on yourself, but you don't know where to start? Then make an appointment here.
Together we create heaven on earth,