Three Day Ancestral Work Training

The training combines intuitive attunement, energetic work and systemic methods to bring a powerful healing movement into the family lineage.

April 3-4-5, 2025 | TS Health Centre, Garderen | 10:00 - 17:30

This three-day training offers a profound and transformative experience in which you will learn how to connect with the ancestral field, how to recognize and transform ancestral patterns, and how to work systemically and regressively with ancestors. The training combines intuitive attunement, energetic work and systemic methods to bring a powerful healing movement into the family lineage.

Driedaagse Training Voorouderlijk Werk

Who is the Ancestral Work training for?

This training is suitable for coaches, therapists, lightworkers and bringers and energetic workers and anyone who wants to dive deeper into the wisdom of their ancestors and bring healing to their family lineage. No specific prior knowledge is required, but an open mindset and willingness to self-reflect are essential.

This is the key to deep healing

Ancestral work is a powerful and profound method to understand and transform hidden patterns, traumas and energies that have been passed down through generations. Our ancestors form an energetic foundation in our lives; they are the roots of our existence and carry both the strength and the burdens of the family lineage.

Every family carries a unique energetic imprint. This imprint consists of collective experiences, beliefs, survival strategies and traumas that are passed on through the DNA and the energetic field of the family line. Scientific studies show that epigenetics plays a role in the transmission of trauma: emotions and experiences of our ancestors can influence how our genes express themselves. This means that deep-rooted fears, blockages or inexplicable patterns in our lives can be a repetition of experiences that arose generations earlier.

The influence of the ancestral field

The ancestral field is an energetic field in which all memories, experiences and emotional imprints of the family line are stored. This field functions as a living archive in which the unresolved themes of generations become visible. By tuning into this, we can see how certain beliefs and patterns live on and how we can consciously transform them.

Examples of energetic transfer within the ancestral field:

  • Unresolved grief and loss → can manifest itself in a deep sense of melancholy or an inexplicable heaviness in life.
  • Premature or traumatic death of ancestors → can influence fear of life, fear of commitment or a strong feeling of being cut off from the source.
  • Patterns of oppression, poverty or war trauma → can have an effect on survival mechanisms, financial blocks or a deep-rooted sense of deficiency.
  • Relationship and family patterns → repetitive dynamics in mate selection, parenting, or family relationships that arise from beliefs passed down through generations.

By working systemically in these lines, we can recognize and release these energies, creating space for new choices and a freer flow of life.

The Connection Between the Ancestral Field and Regression

Ancestral work and regression are closely linked. Often people walk around with complaints, emotions or physical symptoms that cannot be directly traced back to their own life experiences. These can be energies that are present in the family line or even memories from past lives that resonate with the family dynamics.

In regression we go back to the origin of a certain pattern or trauma. This can be in your own childhood, but also in another life or with a specific ancestor who is the source of a certain theme. By coming into contact with these memories and feeling them, healing occurs on a deep level.

Examples of regressive insights into ancestral work:

  • An unexplained fear of water may stem from a drowning in a previous incarnation, or it may be an echo of an ancestor who died at sea.
  • Fear of commitment can have its roots in family trauma where loved ones were suddenly separated by war, adoption or loss.
  • Physical complaints such as asthma or breathing problems can resonate with an ancestor who survived gas attacks during the war or died by suffocation.

When we make these connections conscious and feel the trauma, we not only bring healing to our own system, but also to the entire family line. The energy can flow freely again and we clear the way for the generations after us.

voorouderlijk werk en regressie

What is the structure of the three-day ancestral training?

Day 1: Tuning in and Gaining Insight into the Ancestral Line


  • Setting the opening and intention for the training
  • Field setting and own energetic protection
  • What is the ancestral field and how does it work?
  • Different layers within the ancestral field
  • Connecting with your own ancestors by stepping into your ancestral field


  • Exploring ancestral lines to gain insight into themes
  • Working in pairs to ask each other about their ancestral lines
  • Recognizing patterns and energetic transfer
  • Reflection and journaling on personal experiences
  • Q&A and deepening

Day 2: Feeling and Deepening the Family Line


  • Formulating questions for help within the ancestral line
  • Working in the family line: standing in the paternal or maternal line
  • Retrieving information from the family line


  • Gain insight into the cause of death within the family line
  • How Dying Processes Can Contain Hidden Information
  • Systemic exercises to reveal hidden themes
  • Exercises to release energetic burdens and entanglements
  • Space for sharing and integration

Day 3: Ancestral Work in Regression and Transformation


  • What is regression and how can it be used for ancestral work?
  • 1-on-1 ancestral work demo with regression techniques
  • Working with transformative methods such as visualization, energetic reprogramming and spoken words


  • Pair Practice: Regression and Ancestral Healing Work
  • Retrieving strength and wisdom from the ancestral line
  • How do you integrate this into your current existence?
  • Completion and ratification
  • Roundtable and Q&A
  • Certificate of participation

Practical information

  • Date: April 3-4-5, 2025
  • Time: 10:00 – 17:30
  • Investment: Normal price €444, Try-Out price €255 excluding VAT
  • Location: TS Health Center in Garderen
  • Group size: Maximum 8 participants
There is no lunch included for this training. You can bring your own. There will be coffee and tea and snacks.
Deze driedaagse training biedt een diepgaande en transformerende ervaring waarin je leert hoe je contact maakt met het voorouderlijk veld, hoe je voorouderlijke patronen herkent en transformeert, en hoe je systemisch en regressief met voorouders werkt. De training combineert intuïtieve afstemming, energetisch werk en systemische methoden om een krachtige helende beweging te brengen in je familielijn.

Why participate in this training?

In-depth ancestral work training

Learn practical holistic tools and techniques

Develop systemic and regressive methods

Personal and spiritual growth

This training helps you to make deep contact with the ancestral field, to recognize hidden patterns and to heal energetic entanglements. You will not only learn to free yourself from ancestral baggage, but also to guide others in this powerful healing process.🌟

Rein Steinkühler
Pure Steinkühler
Trainer and Coach
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The Power of Ancestral Healing and Regression

Ancestral healing is not just about releasing trauma, but also about reclaiming the power and wisdom of the family lineage. Our ancestors have passed on not only pain, but also love, perseverance, creativity, and spiritual insights. When we work with the ancestral field, we open ourselves not only to healing, but also to the deep wisdom that lies within our family lineage.

In this three-day training you will learn how to read your ancestral field, how to recognize the energetic transmission of traumas and how to transform these patterns through systemic and regressive techniques. You will experience how powerful it is to stand in the family lineage, to hear the story that wants to be told and to bring the energy of the ancestors back into balance.

When you as an individual bring healing to the family line, you are not only working for yourself, but also for the generations before and after you. This work goes beyond the personal: it contributes to a collective healing, where old structures are broken and space is created for a new future.