Look at the world with an open mind and you will see that there are opportunities everywhere.
Years ago I looked at the world through negative glasses. I saw problems and obstacles everywhere. Life was hard and heavy. I was always complaining and brooding. Whenever someone asked me to do something, the first answer I always gave was: NO.
I was rigid and with a fixed mindset I had little fun in life. Because of all the mirrors in the outside world, I decided one day that it had to be different.
I started reading books and articles about positive psychology. I learned that you can influence your own thoughts and feelings. Which will then be reflected in the outside world.
That got me interested… Apparently you can choose to see the world in a positive or negative way. And when you make that choice your outside world starts to change.
If I look at it negatively, it is negative. If I look at it positively, suddenly there are opportunities and possibilities everywhere.
Meditation, journaling and gratitude exercises became part of my daily practice.
It wasn't always easy. Certainly not in the beginning, because the negative thoughts were sometimes stronger. But it was worth it to persevere.
Now I look at the world with a positive view. I see possibilities everywhere. I am happier and I have more energy.
Which allows me to create beautiful things in the world.
Do we look through gray glasses or through colorful glasses, what do you choose?