The moment you stop running from your problems and fears, the world opens up for you. Miracles start to happen. Behind all problems and fears is growth.
Miracles happen when you let them. All you have to do now is make the choice to stop running away. Set the intention that you are ready to grow. Set the intention to stop running away. Take steps and dare to face your fears. Dare to feel them. Look at them without judgment with love and gentleness.
The moment you make this choice, it will happen. People will come your way who will help you. And whatever the path may be. Trust that the right thing will come to you.
Because energy follows intention
Let that energy flow, as it is supposed to flow. Pay attention to what you want and let it come to you. Even if it becomes a rollercoaster ride. Then it will be one hell of a ride! It is exciting, but like a rollercoaster you think afterwards… Woohoo! This is cool, one more time, one more time!
Through fear and problems growth arises, a new world arises for you. A world that is much more beautiful! Just let it happen. Step by step to your goal. Step by step you move forward. Straight through all illusions of fear. Straight through all resistance. Straight through time and space. If I can do it, you can too. Everyone can do it! I trust 100% that you can grow. There is no doubt about that.
We are born here as people to grow. To work on old karma. To work on old trauma. To work on problem areas. We are here to heal. Ourselves and with that others. We see here to create something. We are here to make a difference.
Everything is possible. Really everything. You are so incredibly powerful. You just forgot and it is time to remember again. So I challenge you to take that step now. I challenge you to set the intention to stop running and start growing. Growing into a life as it is meant for you. Whatever your life mission may be.
Enjoy the ride 💚
(Written a year ago today. I think I'm well on my way 😁)