Connecting, really connecting. A deep connection from the heart. From love. From Soul to Soul. Really looking at someone and feeling them. Not just a quick glance, but really looking. Deep into the eyes of the other. Really seeing someone. Really feeling someone. Seeing someone's pain, seeing someone's love, making the connection. Total openness and vulnerability. Connecting. When you are connected to someone's Soul, it no longer matters whether someone is a man, a woman, light, dark, gray, red or bright purple. Then there is only love. Then there is recognition. One of the exercises that we practice and experience here at Terra Nova during retreats. It is wonderful what then arises.
❤️ Self love ❤️
Then I think to myself. Look at me, dear person. Really look at yourself. I sometimes let it slip through the cracks, but it is so nice and encouraging in the area of self-love. When you look in the mirror, looking at yourself. Look at yourself in those beautiful black pupils and keep looking. Experience what happens. And tell yourself that you love yourself, that you are allowed to be here, that you are perfect the way you are. Very powerful exercise and now that I am typing this I realize again that I should do this more often. Self-love is so important. And you deserve that, I deserve that, everyone deserves that. From that self-love you can start looking further. You can also really seek out the connection with others. Of course that does not mean that you cannot see the other, cannot feel the other. If we as humanity would be more interested in the other, but also really interested, because you really want to. If we really looked at someone else more, what would the world look like?
🌤 What connection do you want?🌤
Because how often do we really see the other? Do you really see who the person opposite you is or does that person exist according to self-made images in your head? When I look at myself, I knew little about my friends. I didn't really look. I didn't make an effort to do so, I was only concerned with myself. And I expect that I am not the only one in that. Relationships that are based on common interests or one interest and not on who the person really is. Because what if those common interests disappear? What remains? Is there still friendship? Something to think about and inside you know the answer.
So who do you want to be? What kind of connections do you want to make? The real soul connections are magical. The connection, the connection, you can love anyone, man or woman. You can be attracted to both without making it sexual. There is just love. There is just being. Then you don't have to have common interests to be in connection. Talking is not even necessary anymore. There is just being and being present.
Aho 💚🐺