Everything we thought we knew is changing. The gates to higher dimensions have opened. It is up to us to enter these new fields, to discover these new fields. New fields that have always been there, but were just not yet visible. Old knowledge is being retrieved again, it is being downloaded again by those who are ready for it. By those who use this old knowledge to make the world a more beautiful place. Old knowledge of Atlantis, Lemuria, Maori, the Incas and the land of Mu. The philosophies of old times are being reborn. It is time. The world needs it, we need it.
Power places around the world are being reopened. Gates are opening. Cities of Light are emerging. We are allowed to stand up. Embrace the old ways, but empower and embody them in the now. Now is the time for the shift!
A world opens up. A world full of magic. A world full of wonders. A world where everything becomes visible, light and non-light. The darkness may also be seen. The darkness may be embraced and healed. That is also necessary for the shift.
A world where the balance between the feminine and the masculine is restored. Where oppression has caused times of misery and extreme heaviness. Torture, abuse, war. It is time to say goodbye to that. It may be healed.
New parts of the earth are created. Counter-movements arise. New communities are born. People withdraw from the corrupt system to come together again. Together in harmony, together in connection, together in love. Children play outside again, become one with nature. We become one with nature again and learn to work with it again. Earth, fire, water and air. The elements come together. They work together. And where the elements come together there is consciousness.
My dream is to embody that new earth. To re-download and embody ancient knowledge. To guide Gaia in her ascension, to guide humanity in her ascension. To bring the feminine and the masculine back into balance, where the masculine supports and empowers the feminine. To live in love, connection and harmony. Where leadership is working together and not fighting against each other.
Aho 💚🐺