Heaven on Earth is closer than you think
“Heaven on Earth is closer than you think. It's a place inside you”
I believe that we came here on earth with a blueprint. In that blueprint are our challenges, what we may heal. And in this blueprint is also what our mission is. It is time for you to tune in to that. Each of us deserves to live his or her best life. In that you may stand for yourself.
Heaven on Earth in this case is an invitation to connect with your essence. With your authentic being. With your unique blueprint. It is an energy field within you that you already have access to. Maybe you have forgotten how to reach that place, but I can assure you that this place is also available to you.
In this it is necessary to attune yourself to heaven and earth. And then to center yourself in between. You have no use if you only sit in the earthly matter. You also have no use if you only sit in the "heavenly".
It is about realizing that you are heavenly and at the same time have a life on earth. Remember your origins and bring this heavenly gift to earth. And then… Then it is time to create.
This is how you create Heaven on Earth for yourself.
2024 is the year that you will realize this for yourself. Better worded,
2024 is the year that you will remember this again. It is not something new that you are going to tap into. It is retrieving an old memory that is stored in your consciousness.
And that's why I have something cool for you. Namely a webinar.
This webinar is the opening of a year in which we will zoom in every month on specific themes that contribute to creating your own Heaven on Earth.
Resulting in a consciousness that continues to expand, internal processes that lead to transformation and manifestations that are completely in flow with your blueprint, with your Heaven on Earth.
You can register now for free via this link: https://www.brianvanleeuwen.com/gratis-webinar/