Experiencing duality at all layered depths of transformation processes. That is what has been happening in me the past few weeks. I seem to be able to experience both the light and all the darkness at the same time. And that is sometimes quite intense, but also so beautiful.
Beauty is not only in light and love. It is even a bit suspicious if you avoid the dark sides of yourself. Life is not only light and love. Of course, in essence everything is light in love, but here in this 3D world in transition there is also just pain. We cannot escape that, so you can only own it in its entirety. And beauty also lies in the depth of pain.
Does it hurt less then? No, definitely not. The pain is just there. Pain is pain. I also know that there are gifts in the depth and layering of emotions experienced. That is why it is such a great opportunity if you are currently in a burnout, when your relationship has ended or, for example, when you are ill.
These are the moments you normally avoid. My invitation would be to dive right in. Dare to feel it. Explore the layers of emotions. You learn so much from that. It not only gives you insight and wisdom, but also confidence. It teaches you to dare to surrender to what presents itself. It makes you a more powerful person. You make giant leaps in the growth of your Consciousness if you embrace those moments.
Most likely (read chance of 99%) these situations also happen, because you still have a thing or two to learn. Otherwise they wouldn't happen. By therefore entering into them you also rid yourself of (karmic) baggage and other low-vibrated energies. See it as moments of healing. Your Soul pushes these situations forward, so that you can learn from them and not to annoy you.
Nothing in life happens to annoy you. Everything in life happens to fully empower you. And to make you remember what you already are in essence, so that you can step-by-step return to fully incarnating your Divine Spark in this life on this timeline.
When you see the incarnation of your Divine Spark, which is perfect even in all its imperfection, as the final destination, then everything that stands between you at this moment and the full incarnation of your Divine Spark is a moment of healing.
That's how I notice it the last two weeks. It seems, and usually when things seem like that, they are like that, that I am currently experiencing the duality in all the depths of processes.
A lot is released. Old baggage from family lines. People who disappear from my field and at the same time new people who appear in my field.
I move with it, because I Trust what my Divine Spark wants to show me. And I know… That my Divine Spark shows me the way, so that when the time is right, I may fully incarnate my Divine Spark in this incarnation of Brian on this timeline.
And when that is so, my feeling says within 1-2 years, then my “real” Soul mission will only begin. Everything until then is preparation for what is to come. And of course that makes me impatient sometimes, but when that impatience comes up then I give myself permission to experience that in all layered depths.
(This beautiful photo was taken by Maaike Ronhaar)