Today a new week has started. A week that is marked by a number of beautiful, but also exciting events. Today I also start “officially” as Personal Assistant/Virtual Assistant/Right Hand of Robert Bridgeman in the service of Bridgeman Lichtwerkers Academie. A new era that is dawning. A dream that comes true. One step closer to my soul mission. I am so incredibly grateful that I have been given this opportunity to learn from Robert as a teacher, to be around him a lot, to build and maintain his website, to think and feel along in the field of online and at the same time to continue working on my own beautiful authentic self. Gratitude is the word that comes to mind, but it also immediately touches parts of me. Am I good enough for this? Can I do this? What if I don't succeed? What will they think of me? Am I nice and kind enough? The part of me that still experiences fear of failure is happy with this and the part that is afraid of rejection is also enjoying it. And that's okay. That means that I can continue to grow into my most beautiful authentic self and that parts that are now presenting themselves can be healed. I feel it, I let them be there and I make sure that they feel seen. Showing vulnerability and giving the parts love and attention, because that is actually all they need. Love and attention, so that it can heal.
🦋 A Transformative Week 🦋
In addition, this week also sees the start of the Transformative Coaching training. Next Thursday to Saturday I will be in training for three days. That also brings up feelings of enthusiasm and gratitude, but also feelings of daring to show your true self and being good enough. In addition to getting to know each other, the program also includes process-related framing and understanding. Understanding is described in the book Transformative Coaching as being able to see, observe and understand traumas, limiting beliefs, blockages and negative self-images in a client's system. Super interesting, if I may say so myself. For the training, there is also a root chakra online healing session by Rianne Manten on the program on Wednesday, which I am also looking forward to and at the same time feeling nervous about. It promises to be a very interesting week where the challenge for me is to stay with myself, to be well-grounded and to be able to look at touched parts with love and compassion.
I wish you an incredibly wonderful Monday and a beautiful transformative week!