Lessons from the Pleiades
Yesterday I read a piece in Bringers of the Dawn – Lessons from the Pleiades, written by Barbara Marciniak. And then consider that this book was written in the second half of the 90s. Back then they already knew where we were going as humanity.
“All these material possessions and collections of things mean nothing in the light of what you are becoming. Can you imagine what events will it take to get you to this point? They will not be small events. Keep in mind the destiny of humanity to evolve. We guarantee that life as you know it now will not be here in ten years. The world as you know it now, your current reality, modern comforts, your dreams for the future, vacations and everything you are occupied with, will not be here in ten years. You are here for your own personal evolution. How that evolution will take place worldwide is going to be very interesting. We are not talking about the evolution of a handful of people; we are talking about the evolution of the species. It will take a lot to awaken people. Therefore, it will be a challenge to live your life courageously and to have the courage to live your light.
You should all wish that the knowledge of the American Indians would come your way. You can discover it by undergoing a sweat lodge ceremony, drumming, dancing and so on. This will awaken much in you and teach you much about Earth. You are coded for rituals; when you perform rituals, your body will remember who you are and what you know.”
And a few sentences further on, the following piece appears.
“There is nothing wrong with technology. The biggest stumbling block of the technology that is now being used on the planet is that it is being used to divide, to manipulate, to keep people down, rather than to elevate them.”
When I read the above, I realize that we are in the middle of this at the moment. Especially since 2012, an enormous shift has taken place. The Mayan calendar came to an end and we are shifting towards the Aquarius era. The era of love and joy has arrived, but before we get there, we must first go through the chaos. And I feel like we are in the middle of that now too. There is division in the world, there is chaos, we are being made fools of and people are trying to keep us under control. It is a choice to remain stuck in that. And because of all this, more and more people are seeing that the current world we live in is no longer possible. It is simply not right. It is not right. And that results in more and more people awakening.
It is a choice to stay in the current world or to step out and grow towards love, light and freedom. And for that ceremonies and rituals are indeed a wonderful means. Ceremonies and rituals that we see increasingly coming to the fore in our daily lives. We no longer have to go to India or the Amazon to undergo ceremonies. Nowadays you can do that in almost every city. There are retreats, workshops and courses. There are enough tools to remember who you really are. And when you do that, you are always with like-minded people who, just like you and me, are looking for their true authentic self. And so your life changes and a new and lighter existence unfolds.
All you have to do is start your own personal evolution, because that is what you came for! And today I am going to enjoy, dance, play and connect with this beautiful earth and all the animals and creatures that live on it.
Bringers of the Dawn is available at Bol.com