🦅 The Eagle 🦅
Last night I dreamed about a beautiful big Eagle. What a magnificent animal! In this dream it was said that the eagle plays an important role for me at the moment. In which I was told that the eagle is a power animal of mine. That stuck with me when I woke up. And as I have experienced it, dreams often bring messages in addition to processing. Sometimes clear and super clear, sometimes a bit vague. After a dream I always look for what this dream wants to tell me, what the subconscious wants to tell me, what may become visible, what message the spiritual world has for me. Super interesting and almost always valuable information comes out of it. The same goes for animals that appear. Animals are very valuable to me, because every animal has a spiritual meaning. Every animal has a message for you. The same goes for the eagle that resonates very well for me personally.
🦅 The Eagle as a power animal 🦅
The power of Eagle is the power of the Great Spirit, the connection with the divine. Being in a balanced connection with the Earth and also being able to rise to such great heights shows a lot about the hidden meaning of this bird as a totem animal; he teaches us to find a balance: to be of the earth, but not to be bound to it. He is therefore both a spiritual and earthly symbol.
The eagle inspires us to see the vastness of the total pattern of life while remaining grounded. It teaches us to build a solid foundation before attempting to soar high into the sky. Eagle teaches you to overcome your fears of the unknown and dare to spread your wings.
😄 Do some research 😄
I would like to invite you to also do some research. Research in your dreams, in your subconscious. Research in the (still) unknown fields of your existence. In the subconscious there are messages waiting for you. In the subconscious there is so much stored knowledge, old wisdom and information waiting for you. It is waiting for you to start remembering it again. It is waiting for you to become conscious again and continue to become more conscious, so that the information goes from the subconscious to the conscious. From invisible to visible.
Wishing you a very nice new week. Aho💚