A transformation process here, a transformation process there, I am up for that. Self-development is one of my passions. Every process helps me to embody my most beautiful authentic self more and more. Every day I am grateful that I can work on myself here at Terra Nova in a safe base and continue to develop myself. Every day I create more confidence in who I am and what I can do.
💡 Inner processes 💡
Inner processes aimed at letting go of old trauma, old heartache, old beliefs and imprints. Transforming energies that feed on fears and pain. Or just embracing tormented soul parts and pieces of my soul that only need love. There are different methods for this and all equally valuable, provided they serve the highest of light and love.
😄 Integration processes 😩
Only sometimes you also have those processes in between that are not so nice. The effect and the result, but not the integration of it. Yesterday evening I had a great session by Ariëtte Loeffen-in Het Veld as an example. It was truly beautiful. And at the same time so intense. An overload of information came in. Sounds, downloads and different energies that kept offering themselves. Which I let be all in surrender. With the result of a deep healing that I felt especially in my heart and solar plexus chakra. Such a feeling that you feel during the session that someone is simply working on you. You feel it in your energy system. Your body vibrates. Heat and cold alternate. You feel that something is being taken from your energy system. And that what helps and guides you with this has a non-physical form. Truly magical. I have no other words for it. Such moments also make me realize and confirm even more that there is so much that we as humanity cannot always comprehend. That there is such an incredibly large playing field that we cannot always see with our naked eye, but at the same time it is so incredibly present and real.
😂 But today I am dying 😂
But today pff.. my physical body doesn't want to. My head hurts. I've been in bed all day and I feel my entire inner system working. A real integration process that I now mainly feel working on a physical level. And I still find that difficult to accept, because I can't just lie in bed all day, can I? I have all kinds of things to do and appointments that are planned, don't I? I know that I can be gentle with myself. Especially when it comes to such deep healing. Accepting and embracing in love is also coming up now. Not fighting it, but just letting it be there. Just bite the bullet and then reap the benefits of another beautiful piece of healing. Another beautiful step towards authenticity.
The transformation process isn't always sunshine and roses. Sometimes it's just hard work and pushing through the pain. That's why I felt I had to share this with you now, while my head is exploding. 🤯
For now.. I'm going back to bed soon. Aho 💚