During this live recorded workshop we will go into depth with only one goal. And that goal is to make you to tune into your authentic manifestation power.
During ikMANIFESTEER we will do things differently than you may be used to.  

We sometimes want to look for it in previously walked paths. Logical too. We are used to that. That feels familiar. But as Einstein already indicated. We cannot solve a problem with the way of thinking that caused it. That is also how it works with manifesting. We cannot manifest passions and desires if we continue to do it in the same way and old way of thinking. Certainly not if you have not achieved the desired success so far.


What then? In a short time we will open you up, which will immediately create space for the new that may unfold. When you participate, you will also receive tips and tools to take home with you to continue working on yourself.

IMANIFEST will bring you into balance. The program will attune you to how you can learn to manifest from your own authentic self-power. It teaches you to move from the inside out. In order to then contribute to a more beautiful world from a position of service.

And that is also my personal goal. To be of service to your change, so that you can can experience the magic of life. I will do that in my way that will eventually bring out your own way.

ikMANIFESTEER - A live recorded zoom workshop

How are we going to ensure that you become attuned to your unique source of manifestation?

  • We start with a joint opening, a meditation to land and connect and sharing intentions.
  • This is followed by another meditation followed by a deep transformation protocol, concluding with music, which is aimed at removing unnecessary ballast, internal blockages and the shedding of old programming and conditioning that keep you away from your authentic manifestation power.
  • After the protocol you will be taken into a transformative activation. In it you will connect with the authentic path that you may walk. Let yourself be taken by sound, noise and visualization that guides you to remember how a powerful creative and manifesting being you are.
  • After this there is a moment of journaling with appropriate targeted assignment(s).
  • Then there is a joint closing with the group.

What will this evening bring you?

  • New insights into your manifesting ability.
  • Clarity on goals.
  • The strength and courage to explore new paths.
  • It takes you out of your old programming and makes room for the new.
  • Reborn motivation, drive and decisiveness.
  • You now know how to create and manifest authentically.
  • More confidence in what you are here to do.
  • Trust in the universe and that you will be taken care of.
  • A magical feeling.
  • Tips and tools to get started yourself.

What is your investment for this live recorded Workshop?

All this requires an investment of 22 euros. You will receive more than 2 hours and 30 minutes of footage for this.