Coming home in Flow
Connect with Self Love
Coming Home in Flow is all about connecting with Self-Love this evening. On this evening we will let the magical flow unfold. You will experience how working from flow is always exactly right. And the theme for this flow evening is “Connect with Self-Love”.
The flow energy is leading this evening
Everything this evening is focused on bringing you more into connection with your Self-love. Everything we are going to do is related to embodying more self-love. We are going to do all of that from flow. But what is flow?
Flow here means following the energy. What may be healed this evening? What may be looked at? What may be made our own? How is self-love awakened in the heart and in the body?
In this, your own input is the key. You give your input, together with the group, and we follow the energy in it. If you are allowed to let go of some pain, you will let go this evening. It is also possible that you will come to remember something again. That you will come to retrieve something from your past. Whatever it is that may arise, it is welcome. As long as it brings you more into connection with Self-love.
Then we will use our transformative, intuitive and healing tools to respond to the flow energy and the input of the group. Experience shows that groups do not just form. Coincidence does not exist in this intelligent universe. And that is why you will work on Self-Love together with this group of like-minded people from flow. Each with their own individual themes and together from a collective Consciousness.
Everything is possible this evening. Everything may arise. Everything may be there. Anger. Sadness. Enthusiasm. And ultimate Bliss. Everything your inner guidance system needs to come into Self-Love is welcome.
How do we move from flow?
This evening you will be guided by Brian & Esther. We are both trained as Transformational Coaches and have acquired an arsenal of tools, methods and transformation techniques from various educations, trainings and memories.
Think of transformative activation techniques, meditation, breathing methods, transformation protocols (spoken intention), chakra massage, regression & reincarnation, inner child work, plant medicine journeys, sounds and noises through channeling light language and mediumship.
Intuitive work is what we get excited about and get going with. No pre-planned program, but really looking in the moment at what may arise. And then we get to work with the tools, methods and techniques. Coming home in flow is completely focused on you, the flow and the energy of the group.
The evening will be entirely dedicated to you and your process. We start at 19:30. Start from 19:15.
We will close the evening again around 10:30 PM.
All this requires an investment in yourself of €40 (excluding VAT).